Measuring the Effectiveness of Precision Poverty Reduction in China


  • Bingxia Xu Graduate School of Management, Management & Science University
  • S M Ferdous Azam Graduate School of Management, Management & Science University


Precise Poverty Alleviation, Farm Households, Poverty Alleviation, China


Based on the data of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) database, this study
adopts the difference-in-difference (DID) method to measure the effect of the
implementation of precise poverty alleviation policy. The results of the study
show that, on the one hand, the implementation of the precision poverty
alleviation policy increased the poverty elimination rate of farming households
by 10.21%, indicating that the implementation of the precision poverty
alleviation policy has a significant effect on the poverty elimination effect of
farming households. On the other hand, the average treatment effect of the
implementation of the precise poverty alleviation policy on per capita disposable
income is 0.7104, indicating that the precise poverty alleviation policy
significantly improves the income level of farm households' families and
broadens the income channels of farm households. Based on this, this study
proposes corresponding policy recommendations to promote the effective
implementation of the precision poverty alleviation policy.

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How to Cite

Bingxia Xu, & S M Ferdous Azam. (2024). Measuring the Effectiveness of Precision Poverty Reduction in China . International Journal on Management Education and Emerging Technology(IJMEET), 2(1). Retrieved from


